Good Morning America features teen-made video on vaping - May 3, 2018
The websiteTobacco Free for a Healthy New Jersey addresses the risks of e-cigarettes and other vaping devices. The site provides accurate information, along with links to other online resources, for youth and young adults who may be considering use of these products.
A news story about the risks of vaping: So you want to quit vaping:
A story from Yale Medicine on the health effects of vaping Will vaping be banned? FDA delays decision
Information about smokeless tobacco and how to quit. Includes links to resources for stopping the addiction for adults and teens. American Cancer Society
The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids has a number of excellent fact sheets on spit tobacco and children, spit tobacco taxes, the differences between Swedish "snus" and American products that are being marketed as "snus."
Online information and support for those committed to quitting smokeless tobacco.
Quitting information, cessation guide, and counseling, as well as information on state telephone-based programs to help users quit.
Free information and support on a 12-step program, including meeting schedules and locations, printed materials or information on how to start a group.
This Web site offers science-driven tools, information, and support that have been effective in helping smokers quit.
Spit Tobacco: A Guide for Quitting.
This guide is intended to help you make your own plan for quitting. Many former dippers have shared advice on quitting that can help you. This guide is the result of advice from chewers and dippers who have canned the habit. In this guide we refer more to dip than chew, just to keep it simple. Also, note that we call it-spit tobacco, not smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tobacco is the term preferred by the tobacco industry. It makes the products sound safe; they aren't.